Film Analysis - Hors la loi (Outside the Law, 2010) by Rachid Bouchareb
Write a 3-4-page film analysis of the film Hors la loi through the critical lens of postcolonial thought and theory.
Pay close attention to how the film uses formal elements like mise-en-scene, cinematography, and editing to signify and communicate meaning through its images.
Relate our readings of Fanon, Memmi, and Sartre to what the film communicates.
Some guiding questions can be:
• What does the film, made in 2010, hope to achieve in terms of history and cultural memory?
• How does the film represent the Algerians and the French, respectively?
• Does the film allude to The Battle of Algiers? In what ways?
• How does Fanon's "On Violence" help us understand the events of the film?
• How does Memmi's discussion of the impossibility of assimilation of the colonized reveal itself in the film.
Make sure you structure your analysis with an introduction and a conclusion. Make sure every
paragraph starts with a topic sentence and proceeds with evidence.