
What does the author mean by strangeness how were early

1) What does the author mean by "strangeness"?

2) How were early Buddhistimmigrants treated in the United States? (providea specific example)

3) How do Buddhists adapt their practices to the American environment?

4) What Buddhist tradition seems to exert the greatest influence in the '60s?  Describe that influence.

5) What struggles did the convert-Buddhist community face in the '80s?

6) On what does the future of ethnic-AsianBuddhism in the US depend?

7) What does our author mean saying Hindus are "Hindus in particular"?

8) What does the term "missionary Hinduism" describe?

9) Describe how Hinduism is a home-based tradition.

10) How do parents pass down their traditions?

11) Describe Guru Nanak's concept of God and the twin principles through which God governs the universe.

12) What is the Sikh relationship to the Punjab?

13) Describe the discrimination Sikhs face when they began to settle in the West Coast.

14) What activities are offered at the Richmond Hills Gurdwara?

 15) What is the "Course in Miracles" and how does it represent a shift in spirituality?

16) Describe (with examples) the two types of New Age rituals.

17) What is "dominion theology"?  What are its advocates responding to and what are their goals?

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