
What does the american dream mean


In his latest work, Our Kids:The American Dream in Crisis, Putnam explores the social, economic, and community challenges of achieving the American Dream in the 21st century. One of the distinctive elements of this work is Putnam's reliance on the stories of ordinary, individual Americans. These stories illustrate one of the book's central themes: the zip code in which you reside is the single, most important factor that determines economic advancement and access to social capital. Taken as a whole, these stories provide valuable insight into the economic, social, and demographic challenges of what it means not only to live in America at the present time but also how we work towards achieving stability and security with family, community, and employment

* Based on Putnam's work, what does the American Dream mean to you?

* Do we live in a country that rewards hard work equitably?

* Do Putnam's stories and his accompanying analysis make you feel less confident or more confident about pursuing a career in public affairs?

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History: What does the american dream mean
Reference No:- TGS03041785

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