
What does terry barrett say about the difference between a

1) Manet - What do you now know about Manet that you didn't prior to reading this chapter?

a)- What is a "flaneur"?

2) "Luncheon in the Grass"

a) - Discuss what you discovered about Manet's work, "Luncheon on the Grass" with respect to its controversey.
b) - What was it, specifically, that was considered objectionable during the time Manet exhibited this work?

3) "Olympia"

a) - Talk about some of the specific elements of this work that were thought to be "vulgar" and/or "pornographic".
b) - What does Zola have to say about Manet and his works?
c) - What specifically did Manet do artistically to challenge his audience with respect to sex and race?

4) "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere"

a) - Address the context of the culture of Paris that influenced Manet's work, "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere".
b) - Tell me about the controversial nature of the barmaid facing us, the viewers, in this work - Be specific.
c) - How is "sex" depicted according to the audience and critics in this work?
d) - Talk about the issues of the mirror. Be specific.
e) - "Manet's depiction of the bar itself also elicited comments and objections from those who first saw it, and recent historians continue to pose questions and offer their answers for these questions." What specifically are the comments, objections, and questions about the bar?

5) Description and Interpretation
a) - What does Terry Barrett say about the difference between a description and an interpretation?
b) - Discuss Description as a part of the interpretive process. Why is it important?
c) - Discuss Interpretation as a process and tell us why Description and Interpretation are interdependent.
d) - Discuss the difference between - Formalism - and - Contextualism. Why is this important to you as interpreters of art?

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Dissertation: What does terry barrett say about the difference between a
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