
What does tatsushige udaka say about his early experiences


Watch the YouTube video "Imagination gives life to Noh | Tatsushige Udaka | TEDxKyotoUniversity" and answer the following questions.

A. What does Tatsushige Udaka say about his early experiences with Noh theater?

B. What does he say that you need to do in order to find noh fascinating?

C. The actor performs a brief part of a famous Noh play. He also screen shares the poem connected to this part of the play. What is it about?

D. Describe the music for the part of the play that the actor performs, about the woman thinking about the man who she loves, who has died- what does the actor's chanting sound like in terms of pitch, rhythm, tone color, dynamics?

E. What does he say about the way the Noh actors treat their masks?

F. What about what he says about the relationship between Noh and the imagination of the audience?

G. Describe the music for the dance that the actor demonstrates - what does his chanting sound like here in terms of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and tone color?

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Reference No:- TGS03217088

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