
What does presenter mean when he talks about ways of being


Watch: Dreams from Endangered Cultures (21:48 Minutes). Read the transcript if the presenter is too fast for you. Then answer the following questions about culture presented from an anthropological perspective.

A. What do we all (as humans) share? Be specific and list at least 3 things.

B. What does the presenter mean when he talks about "other ways of being"?

C. With examples, distinguish "ethnosphere" from "ethnocide".

D. What is language? Why is it important? How many languages has the world lost in the last 50 or so years? Should a world adopt one language..why or why not?

E. What is "linguistic exogamy"? Critical thinking: How could this be an important practice if it was ever adopted by your culture?

F. What is the difference between kids raised in the Andes Mountains and those raised in the mountains of Montana; and between those raised in the forests of British Columbia from those raised in Kwagiulth on the northern part of Vancouver Island. How are you similar or different from these kids?

G. Distinguish a "monochromatic world of monotony" from a "polychromatic world of diversity". Which of these two is your community becoming?

H. The presenter says that "remote areas are not remote at all". Do you agree? Support your answer.

I. Overall, list FIVE things you have learned from this presentation. Review what others have listed and respond to at least 2 people.

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