
What does little argue makes the fetus natural development


1. What does Little mean when she talks about revising our theory of values to accommodate an entity like a fetus rather than the other way around?

2. What does Little argue makes the fetus "natural" development unlike the development of most biological organisms?

3. Why does Little say that an abortion cannot be a case of "wrongful interference?" Does that mean it cannot be wrong?

4. Explain what you understand to be Little's point about "authorship" in her discussion of "Intimacy, Pregnancy, and Motherhood." Do you find it compelling?

5. What is the initial point of the example of the soldier who does not fall on the grenade, the woman who does not marry the suitor, and the woman who does not provide sexual services to the troops?

6. Which of the examples in #5 does she later modify, and for what purpose?

7. Summarize what you believe Little means by "stewardship" (mentioned on p154, the central point of the her discussion of "Norms of Responsible Creation"). Cite a passage that illustrates what you believe she means, and comment on how strong of a point she is making.

8. What does Little think of the claim that having an abortion for the child's sake is absurd? How does this relate to her suggestion that under some circumstances, continuing a pregnancy might violate "norms of responsible creation?"

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Other Subject: What does little argue makes the fetus natural development
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