What does julia do that makes gonzalo angry

Assignment task: I am not your perfect Mexican daughter pg 282-341 provide textual evidence for each question.

1. What does Julia do that makes Gonzalo angry (chapter 23)?

2. What does Julie confront Angie in chapter 24?

3. On page 307, "Lorena says you know they all are." Who is the they and what are they?

4. "Sometimes it's best not to tell the truth, Dr.Castillo tells Julia. Angie also says something like this in a previous chapter. What are they advocating not telling the truth?

5. Who is dr Cooke and what advice does she give Julia?

6. Towards the end of the book where does Julia go and why?

7. Scholars characterize this text as juvenile literature what qualities do you see that would put it in that category? Think about word choice tone and plot.

8. Do you see any simulators between Julia and Joan of arc?

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