Problem 1: What does John Locke says about human knowledge through his innate ideas?
Problem 2: What does descartes says about human knowledge through his 3 doubting hypothesis (my senses are unreliable, maybe in dreaming, maybe an evil genius deceives me?
Problem 3: How does direct and indirect realism and theories of perception connects human knowledge?
Problem 4: What is a person?
- Explain through human nature (monism and dualism)
- What does plato, gilbert ryle and albert camus have to say
- How reality connects to person
- freewill and determinism
Problem 5: What are good or evil?
- Explain through ethical or unethical
- Where does morality come from
- Deontological ethics (kant)
- utilitarianism
Problem 6: What is just society?
- Use types of government
- Democracy
- Economic systems
- Humans in society (are they inherently evil or good)