
What does it say about the restaurants liquidity is it a

Restaurant X has current ratio of 0.59 (2017), 0.6 (2016), and 0.62 (2015). It also has a quick ratio of 0.46 (2017), 0.48 (2016) and 0.49 (2015).

Its competitors have an average current ratio of 1.39 (2017), 1.28 (2016), and 1.45 (2015). Average quick ratio is 1.23 (2017), 1.15 (2016), and 1.29 (2015).

What does it say about the restaurant's liquidity? Is it a wise decision to invest in Restaurant X?

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Finance Basics: What does it say about the restaurants liquidity is it a
Reference No:- TGS02894403

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