
What does individualism mean in american culture how does

1. What does individualism mean in American culture? How does individualism affect other cultural values of freedom, success, democracy, civic participation? How does individualism affect the formation of social capital in American society?

2. What is American exceptionalism? How is this cultural belief presented or reinforced in different aspects of American culture and society? How does exceptionalism affect the lives of ordinary Americans, if at all? How does exceptionalism affect values such as diversity or multiculturalism? How would you assess the positive and negative aspects of exceptionalism? Examples?

3. Identify five important historical roots of American culture or cultural values. Describe or explain how each of these shaped American culture - that is, what are some aspects of American culture or society that can be traced back to these roots?

4. What is the major point or realization that you derived from Paul Durrenberger's article, "Explorations of Class and Consciousness in the United States" that was assigned reading in your text/reader? If what he presents is correct, what implications might it have for equality or inequality in American society?

5. What forces-historical, economic, etc.-have made race such an important and conflictive aspect of American society? How does an ideology of racism (such as in Ethnic Notions) shape our discussions and attitudes toward race today in America? If racial categories are essentially arbitrary cultural constructions and not inherent biological facts, why does race continue to be so important?

6. In the film, Forgotten Fires, what were the reasons White people were attracted to the Ku Klux Klan? What was Lester Haley's attitude toward racial minorities and social class? Why do you think Pastor Mouzon and the congregation of Macedonia Baptist Church sent a letter of forgiveness and support to Timothy Welch in jail? Why did the NAACP agree to support the Haleys in trying to get one of their family out of jail? For you, what is the most important "lesson" or realization of this film, and why?

7. How did ideas and values of libertarianism, populism, and nativism affected American attitudes and actions toward ethnic minorities in, for example, southern Oregon? (cf. "Some of the Best Citizens").

8. Can American have political democracy or equality if a large gap exists between social classes? Explain your answer or understanding of this issue, with reference to our class readings and/or discussions.

Bonus question, extra point. What is the most important thing you have learned or realized about American culture or society so far in this course? Exactly why is it important?

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