What does historian james loewen mean

Assignment task: James Loewen, Lies My Teacher Teacher Told Me, 1995.

"The emotion emitted by most textbooks about slavery is sadness, not anger. Somehow we ended up with four million slaves and no owners!... History textbooks still present Union and Confederate sympathizers as equally idealistic. The North fought to hold the Union together, while the Southern state fought, according to the American Way, "for preservation of their rights and freedom to decide for themselves". Nobody fought to preserve racial slavery; nobody fought to end it. As one result, unlike the Nazi swastika, which lies disgrace, even in the North whites still proudly display the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy on den walls, licence plates, T-Shirts, and high school logos. Even some white northern vaguely regret the defeat of the "lost cause". it is as if racism against blacks could be remembered with nostalgia. In this sense, long after Appomattox, the Confederacy finally won."

What does historian James Loewen mean that long after Appomattox (The end of the War), the Confederacy finally won? Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

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