
What does hipaa stand for

Problem 1: What does HIPAA stand for?

Problem 2: Briefly describe the purpose of the Privacy Rule.

Problem 3: In your own words, how does it apply to Medical Laboratory Technicians in each of the following situations:

a. You are talking in the lunchroom to your co-workers about a patient result. Are there instances when this might be appropriate?

b. Your neighbor asks you to look up her test results on the laboratory computer. What would you say or do?

c. Your mother is hospitalized, and you'd like to view her test results. Are you allowed to do so because she is related to you?

d. Your co-worker is looking up test results of their friends on the hospital computer. Are you expected to say something to them or to your supervisors?

e. What would you say if the patient asks you for their last glucose test result when you are drawing their blood?

Problem 4: You have been to see the doctor and would like a copy of your own test results. According to HIPAA regulations are you allowed to see those results or to get a printed copy of those results?

Problem 5: Your 12-year old son is in the hospital with a respiratory infection. Are you allowed to see his test results?

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Reference No:- TGS03248548

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