
What does he consider the ultimate good for human beings

Philosophy Assignment

Answer this question in 4 or 5 sentences so it will be just one paragraph for each question..

You will find the answers in the attachment ( Reading)

1- The Question Concerning Technology' by Heidegger. What is Heidegger's conception of the essence of technology? What does this have to do with aleitheia (truth/reality)? What is the distinction between ancient and modern technology? What is the `standing reserve'?Discussion of the reading,`The Question Concerning Technology' by Heidegger.

2- Aristotle thought that someone who knows virtue ethics would be able to analyze an action. How someone acts reveals his/her character. Leading a life of moral virtue can result in the good life. Lack of moral virtue results in a failed life. How can you tell if someone has (or lacks) self control or courage? What clues would you look for in their actions?

Book II from `Nichomachean Ethics'

3- How does Aristotle define moral virtue?

What does he consider the ultimate good for human beings? Name some moral virtues.Explain what excesses and deficiencies that correspond to these moral virtues.

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Dissertation: What does he consider the ultimate good for human beings
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