What does finding tell us about microaggression in workplace

Assignment: Gender And The Workplace

As I mention in the video lecture`, gender discrimination still exists in the American workplace. If you have not yet watched that video, go watch it. One manifestation of this is pay discrepancy, with women habitually earning less income than men. See these surveys from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that verify this: Household Data Annual Averages 2016 & 2017 & Women's Earnings compared to Men's by occupation from 2014. This is a systemic issue, meaning that it is engrained in both our workplace and our own mindsets.

The Basford et al. article discusses the effects of microaggressions in the workplace. Microaggressions are just that-- micro. But these microaggressions are a symptom of systematic gender inequality. In other words, an unconscious bias developed by society that men and women should follow specific gender roles, putting women at a disadvantage in the workplace.

Basford et al. have three hypothesis in this article:

1. Observers will expect the negative work outcomes for victims of gender microaggression to increase as explicitness increases

2. Women will be more prone than men to detect gender microaggressions against women, especially at more ambiguous levels

3. Women, more than men, will expect female microaggression targets to experience more negative projected work outcomes

In your initial post this week, answer:

1. In your own words, what do the hypotheses mean/what are the researchers looking for? (p. 342)
2. What were the findings for the hypotheses? Use quotes from the text to support your answer.
3. What do the findings mean? Use quotes from the text where appropriate.
4. What does this tell us about microaggressions in the workplace?
5. Do microaggressions contribute to gender discrimination in the workplace? Why or why not?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

Youtube Video: "ENG 301 Gender in the Workplace"

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HR Management: What does finding tell us about microaggression in workplace
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