
What does evans think is the purpose/meaning of baptism

Problem: Although Rev. Shannon in Friday's video would disagree, Evans is asking us to believe in a God who is de?ned as Love, who doesn't require a prayer or a ritual or even a particular profession of faith to make us God's beloved. God loves all of us, as we are, from the moment we are. Given her construction/theology of God:

1. What does Evans think is the purpose/meaning of Baptism?

2. How does she understand/respond to people like Andrew and Stacy, and other members of the LGBTQ+ community?

3. ln "Asking Better Questions"; how did Evans understand/respond to conservative Christians who use the Bible to justify restricting the role of women in their families and in their churches?

Just to be clear: you cannot demonstrate you understand Evans' view of Baptism and conservative views that would restrict women and members of the LGBTQ+ community unless you demonstrate some understanding of what those conserva?i/e (evangelical) views are.

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