1) What is the percentage of total gross domestic productions ( GDP) that oil sales represent to the top ten oil producing countries?
2) Where are the top 10 international oil pipelines located?
3) How much does Exxon-Mobil generate in sales and net profits annually? Break down the sources of profit?
4) What percentage of the total income of the City of Houston, Texas does oil represent? Directly and indirectly.
5) What does Dollar parity mean to the Euro? What countries use the EURO as their own currency?
6) What impact could Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, or all have on the EURO and the European Union if they stop using the common currency?
7) Discuss the importance of PETRODOLLARS?
8) Explain what happened from 2007-2010 to the home mortgage market.
9) Name 4 factors that are causing home prices to rise in the Miami real estate market.
10) Name 4 reason that interest foreign buyers (investors) to purchase homes( properties) in South Florida.
11) Why is the concept or term “Petro-Yuan“ so troubling to the United States and the US dollar?
12) What are crypto-currencies and why are they such a rage?
13) List the top 10 crypto-currencies