Question 1: What are some considerations that should be addressed in the site selection process?
Question 2: Identify an example of a meeting objective and why is it important to the success of a meeting? Are they usually written or verbal?
Question 3: Venue selection is a critical step in successful planning. Identify four critical property essentials that must be taken into consideration by the meeting planner.
Question 4: Who is the first point of venue contact for the meeting planner? Once space is negotiated with whom does the Meeting Planner work out all the venue details?
Question 5: What does destination accessibility refer to? Compare to venue accessibility and selection?
Question 6: How are an agenda and a meeting pattern different?
Question 7: Most meeting style events operate on a break-even or zero-based budget style. What does this mean to the planner?
Question 8: What does a Request for Proposal (RFP) refer to? How does this web site make the RFP process quick and efficient for planners considering a Toronto located event? Outline in full.