
What does deplorable mean and what does resilient mean

Becoming Familiar with Genre


Please complete all parts.

For this lesson, you need to write in complete sentences, and capitalize, format, spell, and punctuate everything correctly. For each section, you need to list an example of each genre and explain how the example fits the genre. Give a detailed description of why each work is classified as the particular genre.


List a literary example of the following genres. Include the title of the piece, the author, and describe in your own words why it is categorized as this specific genre.

A. Comedy

B. Tragedy

C. Gothic

D. Lyric

E. Pastoral


Identify five other genres not listed above. Include the type of genre, a description of the genre, and a literary example of the genre. Be sure to explain why your example fits the genre you selected.


Just for fun

List three movies or television shows you've seen recently, and the genres you think they are.

Context Clues

Part 2 Assignment:

Curious as to what a word might mean? You can often figure it out through context--by the way it's used in the sentence or passage.

Take excerpts from two different novels or other literary forms.

For each novel, create 5 questions with multiple-choice answers. Include the title, author, and page number of the sources for each.

The work for this section of the lesson should look just like the questions and answers in Parts 1 and 2. There should be enough clues in your passages about the meanings of the words that a reader can guess the meanings from context alone. Be sure to indicate the correct answer for each question.

Below is the context from Parts 1 and 2

Part 1:

Use the context to determine what each underlined word means. Use the form below to submit your work.

1. There are many misconceptions about older people. Many people just don't realize that you can have a healthy and active life well into your eighties and beyond.

a. health problems

b. gray hairs

c. wrong ideas

d. nursing homes

2. The new governor had a lot of problems to contend with. He worked hard and was able to improve things greatly.

a. claim

b. deal

c. read

d. say are not true

3. We are hoping to build a huge new library for our school. We can only do it if we can figure out a way to get more tax revenues, or money from some other sources.

a. collectors

b. cuts

c. money coming in

d. something that turns

4. I know that the football team had a losing season. There are a lot of things wrong with this school's sports program that have been getting worse for years. There are many people who have made mistakes. Coach Jones has done a good job, considering what he had to deal with. Firing him after his first season is wrong. He's just a scapegoat!

a. someone who is not good at doing something even though he tries hard

b. someone who gets all the blame for the wrongdoing of others

c. someone who really wants to do something well

d. a teacher or coach of sports

5. I see her smiling visage in my dreams. Her hazel eyes are looking at me affectionately.

a. television

b. dog

c. nightmare

d. face

Part 2:

Answer the questions below.

Your fifteen-year-old sister's manners are deplorable. You should have been there when she ate at our house the other night. She kept reaching across the table for everything without even excusing herself. She burped a dozen times and looked really proud of her achievement. And when we had ice cream sundaes for dessert, she ate hers with her fingers.

1. What does deplorable mean?

a. awful

b. deeply thoughtful

c. cute or pleasing

d. enjoying good food

e. smart

Shannon has been working hard for Mr. Buchanan. She claims that he's the most honest man running for president. No matter what doubts we express, she has what she believes is a good answer. She works long hours every day on the campaign. She has also given a lot of money to help him win. Shannon is certainly one of Buchanan's most ardent supporters.

2. What does ardent mean?

a. generous with money

b. able to argue or debate

c. foolish

d. admiring honesty

e. strong or eager

Randolph is certainly resilient. He lost a fortune when his business failed, but now he's wealthy again. After spending a month in the intensive care unit of the hospital, he's as healthy and strong as ever. And after all those rumors ruined his reputation, he's managed to once again become a highly respected member of the community.

3. What does resilient mean?

a. sneaky

b. having a lot of money

c. free of sickness

d. shaped like a rubber ball

e. able to bounce back or recover.

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English: What does deplorable mean and what does resilient mean
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