
What does d in problem represent and find the speed

1. What is the Reynolds number used to determine in hydraulics?

2. What are the dimensions of the Reynolds number?

3. What is the maximum value of the Reynolds number used in hydraulics problems? Why?

4. The following expression for the Reynolds number is in your book, the class notes and the equation sheet: NR = 7740 v(ft/sec)d(in)/v(cS) Clearly cS and ft/sec are not the same. To get the correct answer what are the units on v(ft/see), d and v?

5. What does d in problem 4 represent? (distance, drive, demented, ...)

6. Find the speed corresponding to a maximum allowable Reynolds number given d = 0.625 and v = 20 cS.

7. Given the d above (part 6) how do you find the Area? What is the area in in2?

8. What is Q in in3/s for the area in part 7 and the speed in part 6?

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Mechanical Engineering: What does d in problem represent and find the speed
Reference No:- TGS02698739

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