
What does critical thinking look like in classroom


Please ask the following questions of your faculty. Don't forget to have them sign the validation form.

1) What does critical thinking look like in your classroom?

2) What constitutes academic literacy?

3) What's your opinion on how your discipline challenges the student to question their own beliefs?

4) What's your opinion on how your discipline challenges students to think critically?

5) How do you create a successful learning environment?

6) What does success look like for your students completing your course?

After you complete your faculty interview, you will research critical thinking inside college and universities. Please find five scholarly, peer-review articles to research what type of critical thinking is happening within the discipline of your faculty. Therefore, if you interviewed a  philosophy faculty, you would research the discipline of philosophy and the way the students are thinking critically to understand the  content.

Answer these questions:

1. What is happening in the college or university classroom that instills critical thinking?

2. What do employers say about recent college graduates and their ability (or inability) to think critically?

3. What did the instructor say in the interview and how does it compare or contrast to the scholarly research you found? (Check Purdue OWL for how to cite an interview)

Write a 3 to 4 page essay answering the above questions. Please include the interview validation form.

Write the essay using APA format, 6th edition-in-text citations and reference page.

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Other Subject: What does critical thinking look like in classroom
Reference No:- TGS02067547

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