Download a hash calculator from the course website (or use one provided by your instructor) or use an online hash calculator for this exercise. Use it to create SHA-256 (or any other hash algorithm your instructor assigns) hashes for the following:
1) A document that contains this text: "I will pay you $10.39 to walk the dog."
2) A document that contains this text: "I will pay you $1039 to walk the dog."
3) A document that contains this text: "I will pay you $10.39 to walk the Dog."
4) A document that contains this text: "I will pay you $10.39 to walk the dog." (Note: this message contains two spaces between the words "to" and "walk").
5) Make a copy of the document used in step 1, and calculate its hash value.
6) What do the results of steps 1-4 show?
7) What does comparing the hash from step 1 to the hash from step 5 tell you?