
What does christ jesus emptied himself taking the form of a

1. Assign the most like1y Paul's Life and Ministry dates for the following 10 events in Paul's life.

a. Paul attends the Council of Jerusalem
b. Paul dies
c. Paul was under house arrest in Rome
d. Paul goes on his first missionary journey
e. Paul writes the letter to the Letters to the Thessalonians
f. Paul is born
g. Paul goes on his second missionary journey
h. Paul writes the Letter to the Romans
i. Paul goes on his third missionary journey

2. How did Paul first encounter Jesus?

a. He encountered the baby Jesus as one of the shepherds in Bethlehem.
b. He was a witness of Jesus' death on the Cross in Jerusalem.
c. He encountered the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus.
d. He encountered Jesus when he delivered the Sermon on the Mount in Galilee.

3. What was decided at the Council of Jerusalem?

a. The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentiles Christians do not have to follow the ceremonial rites of the Old Law.
b. The Council of Jerusalem decided that Jewish Christians must support the Gentile Christians living in Rome.
c. The Council of Jerusalem decided that Paul should remain in Jerusalem and preach to the priests in the Temple.
d. The Council of Jerusalem decided that Paul should go to India to preach the Gospel.

1 & 2 Thessalonians; Galatians; 1 & 2 Corinthians

4. Why did Paul write 1 Thessalonians?

a. To correct the Jewish Christians who were forcing the Gentile Christians to follow the Old Law
b. To strengthen and encourage the recent Thessalonian converts and console the bereaved among them with hope of the resurrection
c. To collect money for the Jerusalem Church.
d. To correct those who denied that Jesus was the Messiah (the Christ).

5. Why was 2 Thessalonians written?

a. Because 1 Thessalonians was misunderstood by some of Paul's readers. They thought the end times had arrived and that the Second Coming of Jesus was going to happen soon.
b. Paul wrote 2 'Thessalonians to teach the Thessalonians that Christ will not return until a whole series of events have taken place, such as the appearance of the And-Christ, i.e., the man of lawlessness and son of perdition.
c. Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians to teach the Thessalonians that Christ will come again as the divine Warrior and Judge to slay the offender, i.e., the agent of Satan, and condemn the ungodly.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

6. Why did Paul write the Letter to the Galatians?

a. Paul wrote the letter to defend the gospel he preached and explain how the New Covenant dispenses with the ceremonies of the Old Covenant.
b. Paul wrote the letter to dissuade the Gentile Christians in Galatians from embracing circumcision and the ceremonial laws of the Old Covenant as indispensable requirements for salvation.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

7. When did Paul most likely write the First Letter to the Corinthians?
a. During his three years in the desert in Arabia and Damascus.
b. On his first missionary journey, from Antioch in Pisidia.
c. During the Council of Jerusalem.
d. On his second missionary journey, from Iliessalonica.
e. On his third missionary journey, while in Ephesus.
f. From prison in Caesarea.
g. Under house arrest in Rome.

8. Why did Paul write the First Letter to the Corinthians?

a. To teach the community about the relation between the Triune God and the Seven Sacraments of the Church.
b. To ask Philemon to set Onesimus, his servant, free.
c. To correct the community that had fallen prey to a number of vices which were beginning to fracture its unity re and drag members away from the faith.
d. A and B.
e. B and C.
f. A and C.
g. None of the above.

9. What was Paul's thought on food sacrificed to idols?
a. Paul thought that since idols have no real existence, there is nothing inherently dangerous in eating food offered to them.
b. Paul cautions that although eating idol food is harmless, it can lead both the weak and the strong into idolatry.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

10. Which of the following is not a purpose for the Second Letter to the Corinthians?

a. To inform the Corinthians of his plan to visit them for a third time.
b. To assert and defend his apostolic authority against those who doubted it.
c. To strengthen his relationship with loyal supports in Corinth.
d. To resume his collection efforts for poor Christians in Jerusalem.
e. To communicate the decisions of the Council of Jerusalem.
f. To confront "false apostles" and their Corinthian followers.


11. When was the Letter to the Romans most likely written?
a. Shortly after the Council of Jerusalem in A.D. 49.
b. During Paul's Third Nlissionary Journey in late A.D. 57 or early 58.
c. After Paul was released from prison in A.D. 62 and was in Spain.
d. While Paul was in prison in Rome from A.D. 60-62.

12. Which of the following was not a goal of the Letter to the Romans?
a. Paul offers council to Timothy on how to be a bishop (episkopos).
b. Paul wants to ease tensions between Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome.
c. Paul wants to establish the Roman Church as a missionary base to continue on to Spain.
d. Paul wrote to introduce himself to Roman Christians before visiting them.
13. What does Paul's thesis statement (1:16-17) mean in the Letter to the Romans?
a. There are two ways of salvation: the Law of Moses for Jews and Jewish Christians; the Law of Jesus for Gentiles.
b. There are as many ways of salvation as there are people.
c. There is only one way of salvation for all people: the way to be right with God starts with faith in God and continues by faith in God every step of the way.
14. Which of the following is no a reason why the Gentiles are guilty according to Paul (Romans 1:18-39))
a. Although they did not have the supernatural revelation of the Law of Moses (the Pentateuch) or the revelation of the Prophets, they rejected the natural revelation of God in creation.
b. Because they rejected the Law of Moses, all 613 precepts.
c. They approve of those who practice wickedness.
a. Because they did not follow their conscience and the moral awareness that all human beings possess about right and wrong.

15. Which of the following is no a reason why Israel is guilty according to Paul (Romans 2: 1 -3: 20)?
a. The Jews committed the same sins as the Gentiles, even though they had the supernatural revelation of God's Law (Torah) in the Scriptures.
b. Because the Jews crucified Jesus, the Messiah and Son of God
c. The Jews did not fulfill their calling to be a light to the Gentiles. Instead they became like the Gentiles through their transgression of the Law that was revealed to them.

16. According to Paul how is one initially made righteous or justified (Romans 3:21-31?)


a. By following the Law of Moses perfectly, all 613 precepts.
b. By giving large sums of money to the Church, one merits salvation.
c. By the grace of God, through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ who expiated sin by his sacrificed. This free gift is received in faith.
d. By a decree of God, who covers his faithful with the grace of Jesus Christ.

17. Which of the following is not an objection that Paul raises concerning his thesis about justification by faith (Romans 4:1-7:15)?
a. If justification is by faith, then the Old Testament is meaningless.
b. If justification is by faith and not by the 'awl theca we do not have to obey any laws-
c. If justification is by faith, then the Law of Moses is evil.
d. If justification is by faith, then tile virtues of hope and love are useless.

18. If justification is by faith, how does Paul defend the giving of the Law of Moses to Israel?
a. The Law was given to make sin known, but not to create sin or truly remove sin.
b. The Law gives the soul a sense of guilt and not innocence, thus preparing it to receive God's free gift of grace in humility.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

19. How does Paul build up to his conclusion that "all Israel will be saved" 'Romans 11:26) in chapters 9-11?
a. Paul explains how God's election of Israel in the past is perfectly consistent with Israel's widespread rejection of the Gospel in the present. Not all who are descended from Israel (jacob) belong to Israel meaning that "elect Israel" a remnant chosen by grace - has always been a subset of ethnic Israel.
b. Paul is pained at the unbelief of Israel and prays intensely for its salvation. Paul stresses the need to spread the Gospel: unless missionaries are sent and Jesus Christ is proclaimed, the world cannot call upon its Savior.
c. Scripture shows that God preserves a remnant of Israel even when most of the nation of Israel goes astray.
d. Those of Israel who do not believe in Jesus Christ are like olive branches that are broken off from the messianic people, but can be re-grafted in by the power of God.
e. All of the above.
f. None of the above.
g. A and C.
h. B and D.
i. A, B and D.

20. What is the meaning of the phrase "all Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:26)?
a. It means that even single Israelite (all the descendants of Jacob) will be saved, even those who reject Jesus as the Messiah
b. It means that a collective group of Israelite representative body, from all twelve tribe down through the ages, will be saved by means of the incoming the Gentiles, among whom Israel was exiled in 722 BC, and the grace of Jesus Christ.
c. It means that the Gentiles are saved through new Covenants: and Israelite who reject Jesus as the Messiah can still be saved through the Mosaic Covenant.
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

21. Why do some scholars teach that the Letter to the Ephesians was not written by Paul?
a. Because the tone and style (calm and lyrical) of the Letter to the Ephesians differs from Paul's other letters (terse and aggressive)
b. Letter to the Ephesians was written by a disciple of Paul in the 90s, who includes many of Paul's who include many of Paul's ideas,
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

22. Which of the following is not one of Paul's teachings in the Letter to the Ephesians about the mystery of the Church?
a. The Church is just one of many sacramental instruments of salvation.
b. The Church's life comes from the Trinity Father, as the members the church are made children of the Father, the body and bride of the Son, the temple of the Holy Spirit.
c. The Church is a holy and universal community, whose dimensions are international as she gathers together all people and nations into the family of the New Covenant.
d. There is a mysterious union between Christ in his glorified body, which reigns in heaven, and Christ in his mystical body, the Church.

23. Why are Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon called "captivity epistles"?
a. Because all of them make reference to the author being in prison.
b. Because they all make reference to the slavery of sin and the emancipation Jesus brings.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

24. Which of the following is most likely the meaning of Christ Jesus "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped"?
a. Jews did not consider equality with God something he had aggressively acquired for himself.
b. Jesus did not regard his divine prerogatives as a possession to which he needed to cling at all costs.
c. Jesus, as a man, did not see the divine prerogatives as something he should seek to acquire.
d. Jesus did not view this divine dignity as something to be used for selfish purposes.

25. What does Christ Jesus "emptied himself, taking the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:7) mean?
a. It means that by becoming human, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, stops being divine. He emptied himself of his divinity.
b. It means that when the Son of God united himself with human nature he restricted his rightful exercise of certain divine abilities during his earthly life and accepted certain limitations of the human condition (like suffering, tiredness, thirst, etc...).
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.

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