
What does bruce call a parable of illumination and why


1. When was the feast of tabernacles and what was its signifi¬cance? 7:2. Bruce, 169f.

2. Jesus avoided going to Judea during that time because he knew that the Jews wanted to kill him. What did Jesus' brothers propose? 7:1-4.

3. When probably did Jesus' brothers come to believe him to be the Messiah? 7:5. Bruce, pp. 171f.

4. In what sense did Jesus speak of "the world?" 7:7. Bruce, p. 172.

5. How does Bruce understand Jesus' statement, "I go not up into the feast" (verse 8) compared to "then he also went up" (verse 10)? Bruce, p. 173.

6. Why did some say, "He is a good man" and others say, "not so, but he leads the multitude astray?" 7:12.

7. Explain the question "How does this man know letters, having never learned?" 7:15. Bruce, p. 175.

8. In addition to "intellectual perception," what else did Jesus suggest was necessary to understand that his teaching came from God? 7:16f. Bruce, pp. 175ff.

9. Why did Jesus refer to Moses? 7:19.

10. To what does the "one work" of verse 21 refer? Bruce, pp. 176ff.

11. What did Jesus mean by "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment?" 7:24.

12. What belief kept the people of Jerusalem from accepting Jesus as the Messiah? 7:27. Bruce, p. 178.

13. Jesus' signs caused many of the crowd to say what? 7:31.

14. What metaphor did Jesus use in referring to the giving of the Holy Spirit to believers? 7:37-39 (cf. Acts 2:38; 5: 32; Galatians 4:6). Bruce, p. 182.

15. Why did many Jews in Jerusalem rule out Galilee as the home of the Messiah? 7:40-42 (cf. Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1). Bruce, pp. 183f.

16. Describe the attempt by the Sanhedrin to arrest Jesus and the results. 7:32, 45ff., Bruce, p. 179.

17. Determine why John 7:53 - 8:11 is absent from some versions of the Bible. Bruce, pp. 413-18.

18. Write your own thoughts as to what principles might be derived from this story.

19. What metaphor does Jesus use to describe himself that was used by the Evangelist to identify the Word (logos) in chapter 1? 8:12.

20. Why was Jesus' testimony about himself to be accepted even though testifying on one's own behalf had no legal worth? 8:14-16. Bruce, p. 189.

21. Whom did Jesus call to bear witness on His behalf? 8:17-18.

22. Explain, "and no man took him; because his hour was not yet come." 8:20. Bruce, pp. 190f.

23. How did the Jews interpret Jesus' words "Where I go, you cannot come?" 8:21f.

24. Comment on the expression "I am he" of verse 24. Bruce, p. 193.

25. What event did Jesus predict as the full disclosure to the Jews of His relation to the Father? 8:28 (cf. Acts. 2:36). Bruce, p. 195.

26. What was the mark of true discipleship? 8:31. Bruce, p. 196.

27. Were the Jews correct in saying they had never been in bondage to any man? What kind of slavery did Jesus speak of? 8:33-34.

28. Explain "You cannot hear my word." 8:43. Bruce, pp. 200f.

29. Which two evil traits were reflected in the attitude of the Jewish opponents of Jesus? 8:44. Bruce, p. 201.

30. What did Jesus mean in saying "If a man keep my word he shall never see death?" 8:51. Bruce, p. 203.

31. In the words "Abraham rejoiced to see my day," how and when did that occur? 8:56 (cf. Genesis 12:3, 22:18; Galatians 3:16). Bruce, p. 205.

32. In using the present tense "Before Abraham was born, I am," what is implied? 8:58.

33. Why did the Jews attempt to stone Jesus? 8:59. Bruce, p. 206.

34. The disciples' inquiry concerning the man born blind suggests a connection between human suffering and personal sin. Explain the inconsistencies in that idea. 9:1. Bruce, p. 208.

35. How does Bruce explain Jesus' words, "but that the works of God should be made manifest in him?" 9:3. Bruce, p. 209.

36. Explain the expression "While it is day." 9:4. Bruce, p. 209.

37. Describe the blind man and how he was healed 9:8-11. Bruce, p. 211.

38. Did Jesus break the Sabbath by healing, or did the issue arise from the legal definition of work? 9:13-14. Bruce, p. 212.

39. How did some Jews reason that Jesus could not be a sinner for healing on the sabbath? 9:16.

40. Did the law of Moses teach that any person who performed miracles was therefore a man of God? Explain (Deuteronomy 13: 1-5). Bruce, p. 213.

41. Explain why were the parents were reticent to speculate on how their son was healed? 9:22-23.

42. Bruce comments on a "blessing" recited in the synagogue as early as A.D. 90. What did it say? Bruce, p. 215.

43. Comment on the statement "We know that God hears not sinners." Who said it? Was it true? 9:31 (cf. Proverbs 28:9; Psalm 66: 18; Acts 10:31).

44. Comment on the expression "Son of Man" as opposed to "Son of God." 9:35-38. Bruce pp. 219-20.

45. What does Bruce call "a parable of illumination" and why? Bruce, p. 220.

46. Do independent research and write a one-page discussion of Jesus' life and ministry as the fulfillment of prophecy.

47. How does Bruce relate the parable of the Good Shepherd to the blind man who was healed? Bruce, p. 223.

48. Contrast "the good shepherd" with "the shepherds of Israel" of Ezekiel 34:1-24.

49. How does the ancient Palestinian method of tending sheep compare to more recent methods in the same region? Bruce, p. 224.

50. Why did Jesus have to explain the parable to his disciples? 10:6.

51. What other metaphor does Jesus apply to himself besides shepherd? 10:7.

52. Who possibly are the "thieves and robbers?" 10:8. Bruce, p. 226.

53. For what purpose did Jesus say he had come? 10:10.

54. Describe the hireling. 10:12. Bruce, pp. 226f.

55. Who are "the other sheep which are not of this fold?" 10:16. Bruce, pp. 227f.

56. Harmonize Christ's words "No one takes it (my life) from me" with the fact that his enemies killed Him. 10:17-18. Bruce, pp. 228f.

57. How did certain Jews answer those who accused Jesus of being demon-possessed? 10:21.

58. What was the origin of the Feast of Dedication? 10:22. Bruce, pp. 229f.

59. Comment on the term "Messiah." What did the Jews want Jesus to say? 10:24. Bruce, 230.

60. Rather than a direct reply to the Jews, to what did Jesus appeal? 10:25.

61. According to Jesus, how are his true sheep identified? 10:26-27.

62. Think about the statement "I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish." Compare that to other statements in the New Testament. 10:28 (cf. John 10:12; Hebrews 3:12, 6:4-6; 2 Peter 2:20-22; Romans 11:20-23; I Peter 1:5).

63. How are the Father and Christ "one?" 10:30. Bruce, p. 233.

64. What angered the Jews so that they wanted to stone Jesus? 10:30-33.

65. How did Jesus respond to their allegation "You make yourself God?" 10:33-36.

66. What does Jesus appeal to as evidence that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father? 10:37-39.

67. What did the hearers of John the Baptist say concerning John's testimony about Jesus? 10:41.

68. Who was Lazarus? Where did he live and who were his relatives? 11:1.

69. What report did Jesus receive concerning Laza¬rus? 11:3.

70. When Jesus said "This sickness is not unto death," what did he imply? 11:4.

71. Why did Jesus wait two days before going to Bethany? 11:6f. Bruce, p. 241.

72. How does Bruce explain the cryptic saying concerning walking in daylight rather than in the night? 11:9-10. Bruce, p. 241.

73. How did the disciples understand the words " Lazarus is fallen asleep?" 11:11 (cf. Mark 5:39).

74. Show the harmony of the statements "he that believes on me, though he die, yet shall he live" and "whosoever lives and believes on me shall never die." 11:25-26. Bruce, p. 244.

74. Why did Jesus weep at the grave of Lazarus? 11:33-37. Bruce, pp. 246f.

75. What was the primary reason that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead? 11:39-42.

76. Why could the resurrection of Lazarus not be a permanent resurrection? 11:43f. Bruce, p. 248.

77. In what sense does Bruce see the raising of Lazarus as a pivotal event in this gospel? Bruce, p. 249.

78. Who was Caiaphas? Give the double meaning attached to the words of Caiaphas. 11:49-52. Bruce, p. 250-251.

79. What was the decision of the Sanhedrin? 11:53.

80. While Jesus was visiting in the home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus at Bethany, what act of devotion did Mary perform? 12:1-3.

81. What is nard? Discuss its value. 12:3. Bruce, p. 256.

82. Explain whether Judas Iscariot was sincere when he said the ointment could have been sold and given to the poor. 12:4-6.

83. How did Jesus excuse Mary's apparent waste in anointing him with expensive ointment? 12:7-8.

84. Why did the chief priests wish to kill Lazarus? 12:10-11.

85. What is the probable significance of the crowd's greeting Jesus with palm branches? 12:12-13. Bruce, p. 259.

86. When did the disciples first understand that Jesus' trium¬phal entry into Jerusalem fulfilled Hebrew scriptures? 12:16. Bruce, p. 261.

87. Who were the Greeks mentioned here, and for what purpose does Bruce think that their request is recorded? 12:20-21. Bruce, p. 262-4.

88. What is meant by the words "The hour is come?" 12:23 (cf. John 2:4; 7:30; 8:20). Bruce, p. 264.

89. Explain the principal contrast between the recurring seed-time and harvest ritual of the fertility cults and Jesus' death and living again. Bruce, p. 264.

90. Explain the words of Jesus, "Fa¬ther, save me from this hour?" 12:27. Bruce, p. 266.

91. Who is "the ruler (prince) of this world" and how would he be cast out? 12:31. Bruce, p. 267.

92. Discuss the implications of "If I be lifted up." 12:32. Bruce, p. 267.

93. The multitude said "We have heard out of the law that the Christ (Messiah) abides forever." What did they mean? 12:34 (cf. Isaiah 9:7, Ezekiel 37:25).

94. Comment on the statement "Yet a little while is the light among you." 12:36.

95. Summarize how the people's unbelief had been foretold, and reference the specific prophecy in scripture. 12:39-41. Bruce, p. 271.

96. What did Jesus say about who or what will be the specific judge "at the last day?" 12:48.

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