
What does bronowski mean by music of the spheres

What does Bronowski mean by "Music of the Spheres"? What are the spheres? What does this have to do with mathematics? Why did the Pythagoreans place such emphasis on "number" in their philosophy and their science? How were the two related, and what effect did this have on the Pythagorean "world view"?  

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Other Subject: What does bronowski mean by music of the spheres
Reference No:- TGS0140680

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What does Bronowski mean by "Music of the Spheres"? What are the spheres? What does this have to do with mathematics? Why did the Pythagoreans place such emphasis on "number" in their philosophy and their science? How were the two related, and what effect did this have on the Pythagorean "world view"? References are given.

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