
What does blauners hypothesis say about racism

Assignment task: The Noel hypothesis theorizes that following intergroup contact, three factors are necessary for the emergence of ethnic stratification.  Identify and explain each factor as it applies to Native Americans and Mexican Americans.

The Blauner hypothesis identifies two types of minority groups.  Identify and explain each type as it relates to African Americans in colonial America.  What does Blauner's hypothesis say about racism toward the minority groups in America today?


Healey Text: Chapter 3: The Development of Dominant-Minority Group Relations in Preindustrial America: The Origins of Slavery

Video: TED Talk: "The danger of a single story" opens in a new tab by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Video: TED Talk: "Color blind or color brave?" opens in a new tab by Mellody Hobson

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Reference No:- TGS03360685

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