
What does a spreadsheet consist

  • What does a spreadsheet consist of?

A grouping of text and numbers in a rectangular grid or table

  • What is a label?

A label most often refers to a text entry such as a heading used to identify a column of data.

  • What is the default alignment of a cell which begins with a label?
  • Does the print command cause that portion of the current window visible on the screen to be printed unless changed in options?
  • Can margins be set using inches and centimeters?
  • Can you perform a series fill  in any direction?
  • Can functions have more than three arguments?
  • How are absolute cell reference, and mixed cell reference identified?
  • Can charts contain data from a completely separate spreadsheet?
  • A chart most be recreated when values are changed?
  • can scales on the vertical and horizontal axis be modified?
  • is it mandatory that the arguments in an array formula be absolute value?
  • How are DSUM and DCOUNT different from SUM and COUNT?

SUM-Function adds the values in a specified rang
COUNT-Function that tallies how many cells in specified range contain numbers or dates
DSUM-Returns the sum of the values in the summary column that meet specified criteria
DCOUNT-Returns the number of cells containing numbers that meet specified criteria

  • Know the IF statement arguments
  • Can the PMT only be used if the payments are the same?
  • Can database be sorted in ascending or descending order?
  • Does the worksheets have to have an identical layout in order for Consolidation using labels to work?
  • Can other functions be used besides SUM when consolidating worksheets?
  • Can the variables in a data table be changed once set up?

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Basic Computer Science: What does a spreadsheet consist
Reference No:- TGS01035908

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