
What does a process represent on a context-level data flow

Part B

1. List the advantages of using systems analysis and design techniques in approaching computerized information systems for business.

2.List three roles that the systems analyst is called upon to play. Provide a definition for each one.

3.What personal qualities are helpful to the systems analyst? List them.

4.List and briefly define the seven phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC).

5.What are CASE tools used for?

6. Define what is meant by the agile approach?

7.What is the meaning of the phrase "the planning game"?

8.What are the stages in agile development?

9.Define term object-oriented analysis and design.

10.What is UML?

11.What is open source software?

12.What is the role of a systems analyst in the development of open source software?

13.List two reasons an organization may want its analysts to participate in an open source community.

Part B

1. What are the three groups of organizational fundamentals that carry implications for the development of information systems?

2. What is meant by saying that organizational subsystems are interrelated and interdependent?

3. Define the term organizational boundary.

4. What are the two main purposes for feedback in organizations?

5. Define openness in an organizational environment.

6. Define closedness in an organizational environment.

7. What is the difference between a traditional organization and a virtual one?

8. What are the potential benefits and a drawback of a virtual organization?

9. Give an example of how systems analysts could work with users as a virtual team.

10. What are enterprise systems?

11. What is ERP, and what is its purpose?

12. What problems do analysts often encounter when they try to implement an ERP package?

13. What are the two symbols on a use case diagram and what do they represent?

14. What is a use case scenario?

15. What are the three main parts of a use case scenario?

16. What are the four steps in creating a use case description?

17. What are the five altitude metaphors for describing use case on different levels? What do they represent?

18. What does a process represent on a context-level data flow diagram?

19. What is an entity on a data flow diagram?

20. What is meant by the term entity-relationship diagram?

21. What symbols are used to draw E-R diagrams?

22. List the types of E-R diagrams.

23. How do an entity, an associative entity, and an attributive entity differ?

24. List the three broad, horizontal levels of management in organizations.

25. How can understanding organizational subcultures help in the design of information systems?

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Software Engineering: What does a process represent on a context-level data flow
Reference No:- TGS01114317

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