Assignment Part A: Part A of this examination is based a potential real-life application scenario.
Instructions - You should complete BOTH questions from Part A
Problem statement: Wireless technologies such as, Bluetooth, UWB, Zigbee and Wi-Fi could be employed for sensing and communication applications in various contexts. However, the selection of these technologies depends on various factors such as the type of application, resource requirement etc. In an attempt to make their trains intelligent, Elfstom Ltd a train manufacturing company intends to deploy a range of wireless sensors and communication technologies in their train carriages. The purpose of the sensors is to collect various ambient parameters such as temperature, lighting, number of currently available seats and luggage space etc, in each carriage, in real-time and transmit the information to the driver's dashboard and the display at the train stations as the train pulls into each station. This is so that the commuters waiting for the station will know which carriages have space suitable for their needs prior to boarding the train. The data collection by the sensors and associated processing, and the communication to different points need to be managed by a processor in the engine management system. The vital characteristic of this intelligence system is dynamic self-organisation/self-configuration i.e. the system should function well irrespective of number of carriages added or taken out at stations.
Potential technologies to consider:
Temperature sensors to sense temperature in each carriage.
'Seat occupancy sensor'/Camera system to provide the number of seats occupied.
'Bluetooth' for short range communication of simple data collected by the sensors.
'WiFi' to support communication from each carriage to the processor and or engine dashboard.
'Zigbee' to provide asset management and network of different device.
Question 1: Write a case study of the above scenario, not exceeding two pages, to describe:
1.1 How would you apply the above technologies for the potential application?
1.2 The reasons for the suitability of each technology for the function considered.
1.3 What are the assumptions that need to be considered for this application scenario?
Question 2:
2.1 Give a schematic network topology diagram you may consider for the above implementation.
2.2 How would you evaluate its performance? What performance parameters you would consider for the evaluation?
Assignment Part B: Part B of this examination consists of a series of questions on a range of topics.
Instructions - You should complete ALL questions from Part B.
Question 1: AP Ltd a mineral exploration company is using a variety of drill rigs while exploring a 120m2 area of desert Minerva. They would like to deploy a dynamic pressure monitoring network to remotely monitor the pressure levels from the sensors attached to the drills. The pressure as measured by these sensors has to be transmitted to the computer in the control room set up at about 100m away from the exploration area.
It would be ideal if the personnel monitoring this pressure network activity could identify the spatial location of each sensor in the network. Assuming there are 12 drills spaced in the given area, using the table provided in the support document, discuss the type of devices and infrastructure you would choose for the communication. Also, state the type of routing mechanism you would select and why. You may support your answer using suitable diagrams.
Question 2: Greenwater shopping mall employs a network of cameras, Bluetooth devices, Wi Fi access points and sensor devices that are connected to the internet. This network while monitoring the environmental parameters such as temperature, air quality in the corridors, people movement along the corridors and important junction points in the building. It also provides Wi Fi access points to the mobile devices. The monitored data are collated and sent to the networked computers in the security room. Due to their recent building expansion, the security has identified a blind spot of about few square metres near the back entrance and would like to quickly add a small ad hoc network that would join in with the main network.
Using the table provided in the support document, discuss the type of devices and communication infrastructure you would choose for the nodes? Support your answer using suitable diagrams.
Question 3: What do you understand by the term 'Big Data'? Discuss briefly any three features that characterise Big Data.
Question 4: What are the technical challenges involved in designing a scalable Big Data system?
Assignment Part C: Part C of this examination consists of two questions on a similar topic.\
Instructions - You should complete BOTH questions from Part C.
Question 1:
1.1 Either single-hop or multi-hop techniques could be employed for wireless networks. Compare and contrast these two techniques, and highlight the suitability of multi-hop for Wireless Sensor Networks.
1.2 Discuss in detail how you could combine Bluetooth (TDMA) infrastructure and CSMA/CA techniques for the MAC layer in Wireless Sensor Networks. Illustrate using suitable diagrams.
1.3 ODE Ltd., a well-established Telecom Service provider is expanding their service to suburbs of Lowkey town. The customer groups in this suburb has a range of service demands. For example, one group are retired people who would like to use their landline telephones throughout the day, who have started using iPads at home. Another group of customers are young professionals who own high spec smart devices and would like to have unlimited broadband for their internet, which they tend to use in the evenings and weekends. There is another customer group who are self-employed and/ stay at home parents who would like to use the internet from 9am to 5pm. For this scenario, discuss how ODE Ltd., could allocate variable services for these customer groups to access their network.
Question 2:
2.1 Wireless sensor networks are resource constrained in terms of limited available power and other resources, and their data-centric nature. Hence, the network layer has to be designed in order to conserve energy. Four different approaches, such as 'Maximum available power route (MA)', 'Minimum energy route (ME)' etc. could be built in the routing protocols for energy efficient route selection. Briefly describe.
2.2 Different types of power saving mechanisms could be incorporated within this layer. For the given WSN (figure QC.2b), show the different routes that would be selected for each of the approach you have described above. Also, demonstrate which approach will be the most suitable for WSNs and discuss the reasons for your answer.

PA= Power available at the node; ai=energy required to route data through the related link.
2.3 Briefly discuss how the Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) routing mechanism works within the context of WSNs. Also, discuss the issues and points for improvement with each mechanism.
Part D: Part D of this examination consists of a series of questions on a similar topic.
Instructions - You should complete ALL questions from Part D.
Question 1: What are the five 'V's that characterise Big Data? In your own words, compare and contract 'Variety' and 'Veracity', using a real-life example.
Question 2: What are the sources of Big Data? Give two real-life examples of Big Data generators with details of the types of data generated.
Question 3: In your own words, compare and contrast 'Structured' and 'Unstructured' data.
Question 4: Give examples for Big Data tools available on the market. What do you understand by 'clustering' in data analytics? Name a few clustering techniques and give examples for some clustering algorithms. What do we mean by 'communities' in datasets? Give some real-life examples for community structures in networks.
Question 5: What makes Big Data valuable? Briefly describe two specific examples in which Big Data has been made use for a positive change in society.
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