Assignment task: Answer the following questions
Q1. What do you understand by self-reflection? Give a detail explanation of Self-Reflection Counseling Beliefs.
Self-discovery and reflection are cornerstones of not only the counseling course, but also of the counseling profession. The purpose of the self-reflection is to facilitate examination of intersections among beliefs about yourself, your worldview (including concepts of spiritual and/or religious truths), your view of human nature, and the ethical commitments and responsibilities of professional counselors.
Q2. Within this reflection, please address detailly the following topics (in any order):
a. What role does the counselor play in the counseling process?
b. How do people change?
c. What are your personality characteristics and/or experiences that will make you an effective counselor?
d. What are your biases or judgments that may interfere with you becoming an effective counselor?