What do you to to set yourself apart to create your brand

Discussion Post: Marketing Foundation

We talk about the strength of a brand. There are well known celebrities like Taylor Swift, the Kardashians, Cardi B, the Obamas, etc.

Let's take this time, and earn bonus points (submit at least one post at 200 plus words for this) to talk about you as a brand. What do you to to set yourself apart to create your brand. If you don't have anything specific now, what do you think you could do? Again, this is just about you helping to create your brand for future reference. If you don't want to talk about yourself, you can speak to a celebrity or someone you know that has done a great job of building their brand.

Again, this is just to have some fun, reinforce concepts of this week and earn easy, bonus points - yay!

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What do you to to set yourself apart to create your brand
Reference No:- TGS03148136

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