
What do you think you would have done were you buzz mccoy

Critical viewing the 6-minute video, https://youtu.be/WQYcsbQoupU, to write two short reflection papers (approximately one page, single spaced), and few sentences for asking a question as a short summary.

Reflection Paper #1

Please discuss an ethical dilemma you've faced in your life. If possible, pick one that relates to a work situation, but one from your personal life will be fine as well. Please describe the dilemma, and if you're comfortable indicate what decision or course of action you took.

Then, discuss any personal and any situational factors that came into play (similar to what you indicated for the Parable of the Sadhu in your video case assignment form). Please mention them briefly, and how they may have affected your moral awareness and decision.

Reflection Paper #2

Please answer the questions below. The length of your video case assignment form responses should be approximately one page, single spaced. You need to provide reasonably detailed and insightful answers to the questions below.

1. What do you think you would have done were you Buzz McCoy, the narrator of the film (the Morgan Stanley executive), and the Sadhu was dropped at your feet? Would you have left the Sadhu for the next group, as Buzz did? Would you have taken the Sadhu to safety, and likely sacrificed your trip?

2. No matter how you answer in 1. Above, why do you think Buzz did what he did? Why didn't Buzz take the Sadhu to safety? In other words, if the situation was different, might Buzz have taken the Sadhu to safety? If so, how would the situation have to change? And what about Buzz himself? What things about him or his personality do you think affected his decision?

3. What do you think is the "moral" of the parable (case)?

Short summary (few sentences)

Have you ever had a "Sadhu" dropped at your feet (so to speak). If so, what did you do?

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Dissertation: What do you think you would have done were you buzz mccoy
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