What do you think you will enjoy about progress monitoring

Assignment Task:

Instructions - Follow Thoroughly

YouTube Video: Beginning Decoding Survey: Administration

This assignment will help you reflect on what it means to administer these diagnostics. First, you'll need to understand what phonics is and then understand the importance of determining the strengths and gaps that students have in understanding phonics. You will review (1) a video (2) diagnostic guide/decoding survey that some schools use (3) review DIBELS.

Video: For this assignment you will review this video:

Decoding Survey:

  • You will also use this guide
  • Pay close attention to the teacher directions and what you would do if you were to administer this diagnostic.


This is a commonly used assessment for progress monitoring in schools:

Review post: What is DIBELS? Posted at dibels dot uoregon dot edu

This guide is over 100 pages. You can choose to read all of it and/or focus on chapter 4. Skimming all of it is a good idea because you will likely use DIBELS sometime in your career.

After reviewing each of these resources, you should answer the following questions in a WORD document and upload your reflection as well.

1) After reviewing the resources, what do you think you will enjoy about progress monitoring in this way?

2) What challenges do you foresee to have in completing progress monitoring? Note, you cannot say I won't have any challenges. Think critically about what can be challenging about this skill.

3) How will practicing this skill impact teaching and learning in your classroom?

4) What questions do you still have about progress monitoring?

Remember to answer each question with a detailed paragraph. You should cite any sources that you use for this assignment. Only Use Sources Provided In This Doc And Attached To Question And Absolutely No Ai Please.

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Reference No:- TGS03438670

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