
What do you think would be the harder achievement to attain

Republican Herbert Hoover, the Secretary of Commerce, against Democrat Al Smith, the Governor of New York. Widely acknowledged as the best Governor in the history of New York, Smith on the surface appeared to be a great choice as a candidate for the Democrats. But he did have one major flaw politically-his religion. Smith was a Roman Catholic, and the United States, whose founders were Protestants and which remains to this day predominantly Protestant, has been historically prejudiced against Catholics.

Smith lost the election in a terrible landslide.

It would take thirty-two years-until 1960-before Americans would elect their first and to this day only Catholic president, John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy's accomplishment in becoming the first Catholic president was arguably as significant historically as Barack Obama's in becoming the first black president in 2008.

What do you think would be the harder achievement to attain for future presidential candidates-becoming the first woman president? The first Hispanic president? The first openly gay president? The first Muslim president?

Feel free to write about any other goal that you think might actually be more difficult. Whatever position you take, make sure to explain yourself as thoroughly as possible.

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Dissertation: What do you think would be the harder achievement to attain
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