
What do you think william cronon would say about disneys

Discussion 1

What do you think William Cronon would say about Disney's attitude toward wilderness expressed in Bambi (and other Disney films)? What features of Disney films support or undermine Cronon's argument? Defend your claims by citing specific passages in Cronon and specific details from movies. Do you agree with Lutts that films like Bambi cultivate in us a problematic view of nature? If so, what is that view? If not, how can we harmonize those visions with what we actually see in nature?

Review your classmates' posts. As you examine the topics that your classmates present, try to add to their arguments or point out things that they may have overlooked. If you agree, explain why you agree and fill in gaps that you see in the explanations of your classmates. If you disagree, explain why you disagree. Utilize the articles from the readings in Week One to make your arguments stronger and to supplement the claims that you make. Remember that all opinions should be backed with as much logical reasoning and factual evidence as one can gather.

Attend discussion on at least four separate days, and post a total of 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as all your posts together total 800 words. Nor is there a minimum number of posts, but you must post on at least four separate days by Day 7.

Discussion 2

What does the film Grizzly Man teach us about the wildness of nature and how human beings ought to relate to it? What, if anything, was the mistake that led to Timothy Treadwell's death? Did anthropomorphism (i.e., imagining the bears to have human characteristics) contribute to Treadwell's death? Is nature indifferent to human interests as filmmaker Werner Herzog claims in his narration? Treadwell sees nature wonderful while Herzog sees it as Darwinian and cruel; is one of them correct or is there a third option? In what ways are both Treadwell's and Herzog's viewpoints on nature social constructions as Cronon would put it? Cite specific details from the movie to support your claims.

Review your classmates' posts. As you analyze their examples, consider playing devil's advocate and attempt to show how their analysis does not capture the essence of the either Treadwell's or Herzog's position. If you agree with others, enhance the discussion by including more supporting evidence from the articles or from your own outside research.

Attend discussion on at least four separate days, and post a total of 800 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as all your posts together total 800 words. Nor is there a minimum number of posts, but you must post on at least four separate days by Day 7.

There are articles on my school homepage that you can read to do the discussions.

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Dissertation: What do you think william cronon would say about disneys
Reference No:- TGS01392179

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