Before attempting the assignment, run the CogLab Serial Position experiment, read the CogLab information.
A. What was the independent variable in the serial position experiment? What was the dependent variable?
B. Based on the prototypical pattern of the serial position curve, where in the list should performance be the best? Where in the list should performance be the worst?
C. Based on the group data, did our class demonstrate a primacy effect? Explain how you decided this. Did we demonstrate a recency effect? Explain how you decided this. Generally speaking, did our class show the predicted serial position curve?
D. What type of memory does the primacy effect reflect (i.e., why is memory better for these items)? What type of memory does the recency effect reflect (i.e., why is memory better for these items)? Explain your reasoning for both.
E. In our experiment we used a free-recall paradigm, allowing you to report the letters in whatever order you wanted. What do you think would happen to the pattern of results if you were asked to report the letters in the order they were presented? Why?
F. In our experiment you were allowed to report the letters immediately after seeing them. Imagine that you were told to wait one minute after the list, before recalling the letters. What do you think would happen to the recency effect if participants heard a German paragraph being read during this minute, or were told to repeat "babble, babble, babble" out-loud during the minute before recall? Explain why you think this would happen.
G. There is evidence that the strength of the primacy and recency effects depends on what strategy one uses to recall the letters. What recall strategy do you think would lead to a larger primacy effect? What strategy would lead to a larger recency effect?
H. What do you think the pattern of results would look like if all of the to-be-remembered lists were 5 items long? Explain why you think this would happen.