
What do you think of the entry and contracting process do


In this unit you learned about ethics and professional values. You also learned about the process of entering an OD contract, the diagnostic process and diagnostic models as well as collecting data.

For each homework assignment that you submit in this course, you must have a minimum of 3 scholarly sources (peer-reviewed journal articles). Please ensure that you follow standard APA formatting. Your paper must have a title page and a reference page. You must have a minimum of five (5) in-text citations.

Read the Peppercorn Dining case at the end of Part 2 in the text (begins on page 238).

While there are a number of issues presented in the case, this assignment will focus on the possible ethical issues presented. In an informative essay, please analyze the following questions in terms of the ethical considerations that the consultants and the business need to make.

What ethical issues have you identified?

Who is the client?

What do you think of the entry and contracting process?

Do you think that the consultants sufficiently addressed the issues?

What are your recommendations to the consulting team?

NOTE: This assignment is subject to the Ethical Reasoning Institutional Learning Outcome. Select the link to view details on the grading parameters for this standard.


For this unit, read about what you will be doing for the final presentation. You will have a milestone due in Unit 2. That milestone will be to complete an Annotated Bibliography for the research you conduct on this project. You will need a total of eight (8) scholarly sources for your presentation. If you have questions about your project selection, please check with your instructor.

For a refresher on what an Annotated Bibliography is, please check your resources in the library.

In this course, you will be making an oral presentation of the final project that you will complete during the six weeks of the course. You will need to conduct library research and your final paper must have a minimum of 8 scholarly resources (peer-reviewed journal articles) in addition to the text book.

The final oral presentation will be made using PowerPoint or a similar software application. You may use the presenting capabilities of PowerPoint to record your presentation or you may use another application such as Screencast-o-matic, or Adobe Captivate, or iMovie.

Note that presentations that do not have the oral component will automatically receive a D. In order to fully develop your topic, your presentation will comprise 12-15 slides.

Please ensure that you follow standard APA formatting. Your presentation must have a cover page and a reference page. Be sure your presentation is organized, clear, and grammatically correct.

You will submit your Unit #6 Final Project Activity to the grade book.

In your final project, you will research a topic of your choice or analyze an organization (perform a case study) and apply the principles of change to that topic.

Potential topics

Choice #1:

Perform a case study - select a real world organization that is facing organizational challenges. Research those challenges, describe those challenges, and diagnose them by presenting one or more relevant, integrated OD interventions that could help the organization successfully adapt to those challenges using either internal consultants, external consultants, or both internal and external consultants.

Choice # 2

Alternatively, you may research an organizational development trend and explain how that change will impact organizations. Ensure that you incorporate the concepts that you have learned from the textbook and your other readings in a thorough manner.

If you have any questions about the topic, please consult with your instructor.

Some ideas might be:

Trends in Organizational Development

Applying Organizational Development to Non-Profit organizations

Training and Development in Organizational Development

Crisis management and organizational development

Whole systems transformation in organizational development

The continuing impact of the economy, and market uncertainty and volatility.

Competition for in-demand skilled workers.

The ongoing influence of information and communications technologies developments.

Demographic changes in the workforce.

The importance of flexible and effective work/life strategies.

The growing emphasis on measurement of effective organizational development interventions.

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Marketing Research: What do you think of the entry and contracting process do
Reference No:- TGS02421542

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