The Perceptions of the British monarchy
Hypothesis 1: The British Royal Family is a role model for the society.
Hypothesis 2: The monarchy improves/ hinder the country's economy.
Q1: Do you think that British monarchy doesn't help the British economy?
Yes or No
Q2: What do you think of the British monarchy impact on economy?
Very affective slightly affective not affective
Q3: The royal family have a certain share of the country's economy, Do you agree or disagree they should have it?
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agree
Q4: How much do you think that the royal family should pay?
Same as everybody (20%) Higher Lower
Q5: Are you satisfied with royal family money consumption in term ofprotection, transportation and other costs? Does it hinder the country budget?
Satisfied Slightly Satisfied Slightly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Yes or No
Q6: The royal family attracts tourism?
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agree
Q7: Do you think that the media present the royal family positively or as a role model for public?
Yes or No
Q8: The royal family interact with society?
Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agree
Q9: Would any royal family member influence your personality? Why?
Yes or No
Q10: Does the royal family present the British culture in a good way?
Yes or No