
What do you think it will take for popular opinion to extend


In your own opinion, help me to answer these questions below in short paragraphs (each small paragraph for each question)


i. What are the mechanisms that can explain how income influences health?

ii. What amount of inequality between rich and poor is tolerable? At what point do people become too rich or too poor? Should society be able to say "That is just too much income?"

iii. What do you think it will take for popular opinion to extend into more direct control over the supply and quality of jobs, including incomes?

iv. What factors might limit the ability of public schools to retain students until graduation? How might these factors be overcome?

v. Is education a private benefit or public good?

vi. Before this lecture, did you know that some Canadians were limited by reading and writing skills? How would it impact your life if you did not have these skills? Over the next couple of days, keep track of how often you need literacy in your daily life.

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