What do you think is the memes intended effect on audience


Analyze a Meme Choose this option if you want to practice analyzing texts. Find a meme online that's related in some way to the community you're researching and writing about this month. (This meme may or may not originate from that community, but try to find one that references a topic that community might be interested in.) Response that considers the following: What is the basic message of the meme? Who do you think its target audience is? What background knowledge do you think the audience would need to understand the message or get the joke? Is the language in the meme familiar enough for someone outside the community to get it, or are there specialized words or phrases that only insiders would get? Why do you think this image was chosen instead of another one? (For example, why present the content using the Distracted Boyfriend meme instead of Woman Drinking Kombucha?) What do you think is the meme's intended effect on the audience? How do the images in the meme add to or detract from its overall effect?

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English: What do you think is the memes intended effect on audience
Reference No:- TGS03357135

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