
What do you think is the greatest difficulty in achieving

Early Trait Theory

In this assignment, you will consider what personality traits are seen in an effective leader and what skills are critical for effective leadership.

Using ANY Online Library or the Internet, research the early trait theory.

Based on your research and understanding, complete the following discussion:

• Provide a definition of leadership. First, give a textbook definition and then your own personal definition.

• List and describe the critical skills required of leaders.

• Using the early trait theory, list and describe common traits of leaders and managers.

• List and describe the various leadership styles. According to you, which of these leadership styles is the best? Why?

• Think about a time in your life when you engaged in an effective leadership performance. The role could be personal or work-related, such as organizing your church's choir, coaching your son or daughter's soccer team, leading your work team through reorganization, and so on. Apply these leadership concepts and theories to the time you served as a leader and answer the following questions:

o What was the situation?

o Where and when did it happen?

o Who was involved?

o What were the results?

o What was your role?

o What leadership style did you employ?

o What critical skills did you use or display that made you an effective leader?

o What traits of a leader do you possess that helped make you effective?

• Think about a time when you were a member of a group or team that was led by an ineffective leader. Apply the leadership concepts and theories to the ineffective leader and answer the following questions:

o What was the situation?

o Where and when did it happen?

o Who was involved?

o What were the results?

o What was your role?

o What leadership style did the leader employ?

o Do you believe it was the right style for the situation? Explain why or why not.

o What critical skills did the leader lack that made him or her ineffective as a leader?

o What traits did the leader lack that made him or her ineffective?

o What could the leader have done in order for there to have been a more favorable outcome?

Assignment : Dropbox Assignment

Role of Vision and Mission Statements

In this assignment, you will learn the significance of the vision and mission statements of an organization.

Visit the websites of the following organizations and read about the organizations' missions and visions as well as about their leaders.






Based on your research and reading, complete the following tasks in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document:

• Critically analyze the vision and mission statement of each of the five organizations.

• For any one organization, identify its leader. Do you find the identified leader to be effective? Why or why not? Support your answer using concepts learned in the week.

• What do you think is the greatest difficulty in achieving the vision and mission of these organizations? In other words, are the organizations' vision and mission statements clear, concise, measurable, and realistically achievable?

• If you were an employee or member of these organizations, would the vision and mission statements of the above mentioned organizations motivate you? Why?

• For the selected organization, what action would you suggest to help the organization overcome the difficulties in achieving the vision and mission?

Role of Vision and Mission Statements

1. Identify the vision and mission of each organization. Enter your responses in the chart below.




National Center for Healthcare Leadership



American College of Healthcare Executives



Institute for Diversity in Health Management



Association of Hispanic Healthcare Executives



National Association of Health Services Executives



2. Critically analyze the vision and mission statement of each of the five organizations.

3. For any one organization, identify its leader. Do you find the identified leader to be effective? Why or why not? Support your answer using concepts learned in the week.

4. What do you think is the greatest difficulty in achieving the vision and mission of these organizations? In other words, are the organizations' vision and mission statements clear, concise, measurable, and realistically achievable?

5. If you were an employee or member of these organizations, would the vision and mission statements of the above mentioned organizations motivate you? Why?

6. For the selected organization, what action would you suggest to help the organization overcome the difficulties in achieving the vision and mission?

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Marketing Research: What do you think is the greatest difficulty in achieving
Reference No:- TGS02158194

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