
What do you think inclusion means

Q1. What do you think Inclusion means? (It is totally ok to say you do not know).

Q2. If you had to use keywords to explain inclusion what would they be?  You can just list them here.

Q3. Do you think inclusion and mainstreaming are the same things? (Again, it is ok to say you don't know what mainstreaming means but take a guess)

Q4. What do you feel might be some of the concerns/barriers you might face as an ECE working in an inclusive program?

Q5. List a personal gift (which is a natural quality you have, e.g.: patience, love of music, a natural ability in something etc.)

Q6. What experience if any have you had with children who have an exceptionality?  Give a brief explanation.

Q7. What do you hope to learn from this class?

Q8. What is your biggest fear about this class?

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Other Subject: What do you think inclusion means
Reference No:- TGS03356262

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