Choose 1 of the following 7 topics. Your paper should be divided into 2 sections.
Section 1: (2 -3 pages) - "What Do You Think" - asks you to reflect and discuss the topic area.
Section 2: (3-4 pages) - "What Does Research Tell Us" - asks you to discuss your review of the literature, with appropriate references and bibliography, on the topic area.
PLEASE use the following headings within your paper:
Section 1: What Do You Think?
Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: Do you think that sex or violence on television influences how promiscuous or violent our society becomes? Do you think the sexual stereotypes in commercials and advertisements shape our attitudes toward gender relations? How do you think you have been influenced by the media?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: Discuss what research has revealed regarding the impact of sexually violent and degrading media on the attitudes and behaviors of men and women. What effect, if any, does this "exposure" have on intimate relationships?
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: Describe your ideal marriage/cohabitating partner and their characteristics (e.g. appearance, personality, and occupation). What circumstances or conflicts (if any) would lead you to consider a separation or divorce (e.g. infidelity, refusal to have children, disease, or cross-dressing)?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: After a review of the literature, discuss the factors that determine with whom we fall in love; and the principle factors involved in keeping a relationship strong.
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: Imagine that you have always been attracted emotionally and sexually to your own sex and that your family has rather traditional religious and conservative views. Would you tell your family about your attraction? If you were to disclose your sexual orientation to your family, how would you do it? What do you think their response would be?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: From your research, what are the steps that people can take to communicate to others about their sexual orientation? What is the process of "coming out"? Briefly discuss the social and psychological effects on people who are unable to disclose their sexual orientation or introduce a lifetime partner to family and friends.
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: Both men and women may sometimes give unclear signals about whether they are willing to engage in sexual contact when they are in a potentially sexual situation. How do you think a man or woman can best make sure that their partner is really willing to engage in sex? What if you or your companion has had a few drinks?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: From your review of the research, discuss the male and female socialization patterns that seem to contribute to the widespread occurrence of rape in our society. From your review of the literature, discuss the role of "sexual coercion" and "miscommunication" as they relate to date rape.
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: Consider your friends and relatives. Of those that have happy marriages/relationships, what seems to be the major factors that contribute to their satisfaction? What about those that are experiencing poor adjustment. What appears to be the primary causes for their lack of happiness?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: From your review of the research describe the major factors that contribute to marital/couple satisfaction? Describe at least two strategies that couples might use for effective conflict resolution.
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: What are your attitudes and values about what is normal sexuality during childhood? How do the messages about sex and sexuality that you received as a child affect your sexuality today and how you relate to intimate partners?
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us: From your review of the literature, how and what should children be taught about their sexuality. What variables correlate with a positive adult adjustment with sexual behavior and emotional intimacy?
• Section 1: What Do You Think?: It is assumed that couples who know how to communicate have a greater likelihood of making their relationships last. Apply this to a relationship that didn't work out for you, and explain how poor or absent communication may have affected your relationship.
• Section 2: What Does Research Tell Us?: From your review of the literature, indicate the gender differences and similarities between men and women in the process of communicating feelings? How do these similarities/differences affect male-female relationships?
"Writing Project Pitfalls":
1. Did not use or follow the outline provided.
2. Did not use professional resources to support opinion.
3. Almost exclusive use of one source to support opinion.
4. The project does not follow the required page format.
5. Resources and bibliography are not consistent or included.