"Becoming a counselor"
Review your response to DB 1.1 and share with the class if your motivation for becoming a counselor has changed at all. What do you think about the responsibilities of being a counselor? Do you still see yourself becoming a counselor?
Below was my DB1.1 response.
I have been serving in the United States Army for thirteen years. Having someone, whether it is a friend, family member or a professional counselor to talk to about my problems and issues has help me a lot. Counseling has always been a field that I have been interested in. Being that professional counselor to help people with whatever problems they may have would give me joy. Personally, I have seen a professional counselor throughout my Army career during my rough time and painful times. I would not be where I am at today if it was not for that counselor.
Another experience in life that has me very motivated to becoming a counselor, is my best friend was having issues with drug abuse. His drug of choice was heroin. Thankfully he never overdosed. I help him daily with talking, coaching and mentoring him with any thoughts or concerns he has. Giving him that support and being there for him has helped him. He has now been sober for eight months.
Being that person to help people through the dark times in their lives and seeing their progress is very rewarding to me. I have already graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration, but for some reason, I keep coming back to the idea of being a counselor. So, I am looking in to Mental Health Counseling of some sort.
My goal in life after retirement from the Army is, I would love to be a counselor for Veterans. We have so many Veterans that need professional help that do not seek or receive the help needed. I feel that being a Veteran myself, it would help these men and women more being that I have been through the same experiences they have during their time in service. Providing the mental health/ counseling for these Veterans would be an honor.