
What do you think about points that nikita makes in article


Over the past several years, there has been a lot of media coverage on regulation related to the web. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think we should regulate the Internet/web?

This is a hot topic, and it's a controversial subject overall. There are many resources for and against this type of regulation. Here is one article from Nikita Malik in Forbes magazine that shares some great information; it's from 2018, but still gives a really nice overview: The Internet: To Regulate or Not To Regulate? What do you think about the points that Nikita makes in this article? Where do you stand on regulation of the Internet?

Here is another article from 2021 about the Global Battle Over Internet Regulation; if you don't have time to read the full article, take a look at the key takeaways at the bottom. What do you think about this? How important is Internet Freedom to you? And what about how much control Big Tech has had on us lately? Do we need to stop Big Tech from having this control through Internet regulation? Or will Internet regulation just cause everyone to lose their freedom via the Internet?

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