
What do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages

Critical Thinking Application 5-B Submit a well-written response containing 300-400 words (not including the title page or references. Cite all sources in APA format. Cite at least two sources, including at least one current (no more than 10 year old) peer-reviewed journal article and the website(s) where you obtained the data used in your explanation. What do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages with contracting with an overseas customer call center? Is there recent empirical evidence that provides comparisons of the options verses using U.S. workers? Provide the ULR(s) for this evidence. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of allowing this outsourced organization to lie to your customers about whom they are and where they are? Is it unethical to contract with such an organization? Explain. What if Customer Asset presented evidence showing that American callers are more satisfied with the call service they receive from the “fake” Americans than from call center associates who admit they are Indians sitting in India? Would you be more accepting of this practice if the data showed that customers feel more secure about transactions if they feel they are interacting with an American?

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Operation Management: What do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages
Reference No:- TGS01509431

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