
What do you see as the main differences between an

Part 1: 250 words

Referring to the inpatient care plan and discharge plan examples in the module resources, discuss the following:

What do you see as the main differences between an inpatient care plan and a discharge plan? What might be included in one but not the other?

Which sections of the inpatient care plan and discharge plan might contain the most relevant information for human services professionals and why?

Part 2: 250 words

After perusing this module's textbook reading, you should have a sense of the impact of public health on the progress of societies and mankind.
Some interventions throughout modern history stand out as especially important. Your task is to select the one that has had the most impact on public health and explain why your choice is really the biggest.

As you answer the "why" question, consider how widespread the innovation reached, the forward leap it was for mankind, and the foundation it laid for further progress.

Post your original message including the public health milestone that had the most impact and why.

Part 3:
250 words (Jean Case story below)

It is important to be able to identify evidence-based methods and practices and to recognize how these practices are used for specific clients in appropriate settings. This journal activity will allow you to think through these important actions and to continue reflecting on the case study that you will address in your final project.

First, review the case study in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document and select one of the following issues or conditions from the case study:

- Mobility issues
- Assistance with activities of daily living
- Difficulty paying bills
- Stroke
- Trauma

Then identify evidence-based practices that might be used with a patient like Jean across at least two different settings:

- Hospital
- Rehabilitation center
- Home healthcare
- Hospice

In 250 to 300 words, explain how evidenced-based practices can be used to assist Jean and improve her quality of life, regarding one issue or condition across at least two different settings. Ideally, the practices you discuss will be relevant in multiple settings, but you may need to explain how these practices can be adjusted to fit certain settings.

Remember to always approach the issue from the perspective of a human services professional as opposed to that of a healthcare professional such as a nurse or a doctor.

Follow these formatting guidelines: one to two double-spaced pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and references in APA format at the end of the paper.

Jean Case story

Jean is an 87-year-old woman who was admitted to Manchester Community Hospital, in Manchester, New Hampshire, after having a debilitating stroke that paralyzed the left half of her body. She is a widow, and her three adult children live in different states. She needs assistance eating, transferring to her wheelchair, and most other activities of daily living. Her medical issues related to the stroke are quickly being resolved, and it is time to begin assessing her needs for discharge and post-discharge. It is important to note that Jean's savings have been totally depleted and her medical bills are mounting since her healthcare insurance has proven to be inadequate to cover her medical expenses. Her limited pension and social security barely covered her living expenses prior to her stroke and are unlikely to cover the escalating expenses that she will undoubtedly encounter based on her medical condition. Moreover, Jean has been clinically diagnosed with PTSD after being raped by a neighbor in her home two years ago. She is still grappling with the effects of the trauma, even as the criminal case against the perpetrator slowly moves forward. Although her family modified the home to make it more secure and less vulnerable to intrusion, her current lack of mobility is weighing heavily on her psychologically. Despite her current issues, Jean derives great comfort from her faith as a devout Catholic. She typically has a wonderful sense of humor and is highly organized, having worked as an elementary school teacher during her earlier years. She participates regularly in the local garden club and on her neighborhood welcoming committee. She has a wide circle of friends with whom she interacts. Her children are currently staying in Manchester to oversee her care and to contribute to the development of her post-discharge care plan. It is unclear whether any of the children will stay on after her discharge to help care for Jean, but this seems unlikely unless considered essential by the medical team. An interdisciplinary team is being developed to design a comprehensive plan for Jean's post-discharge care.

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Dissertation: What do you see as the main differences between an
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