
What do you notice about how the age span you chose

Discussion Post: Seven Serotypes as Portrayed by the Media

As a society, our culture, depicts certain aspects of adulthood as normal and other aspects as negative, not the norm. For instance, there are views (sometimes competing views) when one should be done with school; be living on their own; be married; when they should have children; etc. These aspects of our culture are influenced by the family we grew up in; the economy or other historical perspectives; and other contextual aspects that impact our choices. After completing your readings and online content please post a minimum of a 5 minute video response to the following prompts. Be creative!

Although some video discussion post is required for this class, if there are issues preventing you from doing, video please contact your instructor to address this.

Choose a portion of the adult life span (i.e., emerging adulthood-18 to 25; young adulthood-26 to 39; middle adulthood 40 to 65) and research media that is geared towards that part of the life span. This could be advertisements; social media; t.v. shows; or movies. Be sure to post a photo of the media that you will be discussing. While we will delve further into middle adulthood next week, it is appropriate to begin to look at this part of the life span also.

1. What do you notice about how the age span you chose is being portrayed in this media? What is the focus?

2. From what you've learned, is this a fair depiction of this part of the life span? Why or why not? Discuss what is wrong or could be improved about the message it portrays.

3. In general, how do negative stereotypes impact someone who is in the part of the life span you chose? Discuss.

4. We know that knowledge is important and we also know that negativity sells when it comes to the media. What can we do to be good consumers as we age and not fall prey to society's view of what any part of the life span should look like?

5. Discuss three things that you are looking forward to or are experiencing, in the part of the life span have chosen. Focusing on these positives, discuss how this does or will impact your cognitive and emotional development?

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Reference No:- TGS03220485

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