What do you mean by sobriety


Andre is a licensed professional counselor working in a community agency, specializing in addictions counseling. He is assigned to work with Damian, who is referred to the agency because of his struggles with alcoholism. Over the course of a year, Damian has reported a cessation of all drinking. He appears for all counseling sessions on time, is cooperative, and seems committed to maintaining sobriety. However, on two occasions, Damian disclosed to Andre that he (Damian) has illegally acquired prescription pain medication and has taken some pills to "help him get through some bad times." This occurred early on and there have been no recent issues.

Unbeknownst to Andre, Damian had been charged with his third offense of driving under the influence because of an alcohol-related incident that occurred just before Damian became a client. Damian will be sentenced to jail unless he can demonstrate that he has sought treatment and has effectively maintained sobriety. Damian's lawyer has subpoenaed Andre. While on the stand, the prosecutor asks Andre if, to the best of his knowledge, Damian has maintained sobriety during treatment. Andre's ethical response is:

1. "Damian has reported that he has not used alcohol at all during treatment over the past year."

2. "Damian has been sober since we commenced treatment one year ago."

3. "What do you mean by sobriety?"

4. "Damian has done well during his one year of treatment. He has refrained from using alcohol; however, he did have two occasions of relapse. He is currently sober."

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Reference No:- TGS03350747

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