
What do you like about being an extravert or an

Golden Personality Type Profiler

Some important questions for students to ask themselves in their reflection piece needto address their understanding of all the different personality preferences, including their own. In an effort to improve human relations, understanding your own preferences and where the other person is coming from is key. These questions are to help stimulate thinking about the assignment. You do NOT have to complete written responses to these questions. Rather, they will help you complete the assignment.

For the introvert/extravert dichotomy, consider the following questions:

1. What do you like about being an Extravert or an Introvert?

2. What perceptions do you think others have of your type?

3. What frustrates you about opposite type adults?

4. What do you like or admire about your opposite type?

5. List some situations in which your preference towards extraversion or introversion has been an asset and/or has worked against you.

For the sensing/intuitive dichotomy, consider the following questions:

1. Think about aspects of your relationships at work and home in which your preference for Sensing or Intuition has been an asset, and list a few examples here.

2. List some situations in which your preference has worked against you.

3. Are there specific behaviors you think should be modified, or that you have already modified, for you to be more effective in your home and work relationships?

4. Discuss how your Sensing or Intuition preference has been frustrating for you or for others at work and home.

For the thinking/feeling dichotomy, consider the following questions:

1. Think about aspects of your relationships at work and home in which your preference for Thinking or Feeling has been an asset, and list a few examples here.

2. List some situations in which your preference has worked against you.

3. Are there specific behaviors you think should be modified, or that you have already modified, for you to be more effective in your home and work relationships?

4. Discuss how your Thinking or Feeling preference plays out when you are having

• An impersonal, fact-based conflict

• A personal conflict

For the judging/perceiving dichotomy, consider the following questions:

1. Think about aspects of your relationships at work and home in which your preference for Judging or Perceiving has been an asset, and list a few examples here.

2. Recall some instances or situations where you could have been more effective.

3. Are there specific behaviors affected by your Judging or Perceiving preference you think should be modified, or that you have already modified, for you to be more effective in your home and work relationships?

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Dissertation: What do you like about being an extravert or an
Reference No:- TGS02449037

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